Loading a Trackmap Outline


Trackmap outlines get saved as a car param for a session, this means that if you load a Trackmap outline as a car param for a session, and then save that session. It will save the session with the trackmap applied, so if you upload that data to the dataset db, or send it to a friend they will also have the trackmap outline. The process below walks you through loading a trackmap outline file (.rstTrack) to a session as a car param.


*The process below walks you through the process of applying an outline to a specific session’s car params, the same process can be followed for “Next Session Car Params” to apply an outline anytime a new session is created.

Loading a Trackmap Outline:

a) RST should be open with data in the lap tree.


b) For the session you want to apply the trackmap outline for, click on the car icon (car params).


c) With the session specific car params open, navigate to “Track”


d) Then click on “Load Overlay File”


e) Select the Trackmap Outline (.rstTrack) file, if you have not generated one please refer to https://racingsimtools.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RTD/pages/2392065, and click “Open”


f) The “Load Overlay File” should become disabled, signifying the outline has been applied to the session. Then close the car param window.

g) After closing the car param window, you should see the trackmap outline on your minimap.


h) If you want to save this data with the outline applied (so you don't have to reapply the trackmap outline again), click on the session “Save” icon shown below.

I) Now anytime you load that data it will already have the outline applied, and if you were to send that data to someone else they would also have the outline when loading the file.